Sunday, February 6, 2011

SPEACIAL FEATURE: For The Ladies...11 Things I Hate When You Start Playing PS3/XBOX

Am I the only female who sometimes wishes she can pick up the PS3/XBox game console and smash it on the wall? It annoys me when I see my boo taking me for granted every time he starts his game.  I know he loves  playing it  and I am not asking him  to stop but be considerate, and remember I exist, thats all I ask. This is a letter to my boo.
Dear boo
  1. I hate that I cease to exist when you  start playing your boring games.
  2. I hate that I must not stand/pass in front of the TV if u playing your game. If I do, you scream “damn it girl, can you move or bend or disappear or better yet, go sleep or visit your mother.?”  That’s  so disrespectful.
  3. I hate that I should not hug/cuddle  you or even say a word when u playing your game.
  4. I hate when I say I love you and you reply me “later baby” or “ I heard you” or “must you say that now.?” What !!!
  5. I hate when your guys come over and they argue over who- killed- who in the game and eat up all my food and leave the  house untidy for me to clean up
  6. I hate when you refuse to eat when playing your game. Meanwhile, you were on my neck , begging me to cook and telling me how hungry you were.
  7. I hate when I ask you a question and you “sssshhhhhh” me.
  8. I hate when you lose a game and you start acting weird to me and almost blame me for losing the game.
  9. I hate that you spend  our money buying stupid war and fight games that makes no sense. If you don’t have anything else to do with money, buy me a gift and surprise me or take me to somewhere romantic.
  10. I hate when you finish your game and you suddenly  remember I exist so you start calling me “ honey, sweetie, baby, can you heat up my food ? Am starving.”
  11. Mostly, You  go to work all week and  spend the weekends playing that stupid “Halo” game. Hello !!! Where am I in the picture ?
Don’t make me annoyed to the point where you have to choose between me and your game.  Your game will not warm your bed at night, neither will it cook your dishes or encourage you when you down. So be wise !
Your dearest Wifee
PS3/Xbox hater.

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