Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tee A "Asiwaju Amuludun of Twitter" Front Runner Innovator

Comedian Tee A is fun to follow on Twitter. Apart from his Monday morning wisdom nuggets which he calls ‘#Tee A speaks’, he’s relaxed and funny all through the rest of the hours.

On Tuesday, the preferred MC got a brainwave and he tweeted: “*Random tho(ugh)t* I want to give myself a traditional title on twitter”.
With over 3,900 followers, the suggestions he got were endless. Minutes later following suggestions here and there, the TV host settled for the ‘Asiwaju Amuludun of Twitter’ title. This can be translated to mean: ‘Front runner Innovator’.

By evening Tee A squealed more information about his impending title. “Coronation will happen live on Twitter with plenty artistes performing sef…just wait and see” , he tweeted.

Well, while we await the e-coronation date and time, we pray the new self-crowned Twitter Chief a long and flourishing life. And like the Yorubas would say, ‘Oye a mo ri o’ (May the crown sit long).

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