Friday, March 18, 2011

EXCLUSIVE! BRUTAL!!! Rehab Night Club Owner Beat Up Staff Of A Competitor To Unconsciousness

How ironic?! Rapper Ikechukwu fought with a bouncer who refused to ‘recognize’ him and let him into the club with a ‘bottle of alcohol which was not purchased in the club/bar[rehab]‘ and the owners threw a feat – calling him aggressive and painting him black. However, the same individual who asked that Ikechukwu should have acted responsible, threw caution to the wind to do worse recently, a concrete source informed with picture.. Lolu Shodeinde, owner of Rehab used his bouncers to beat Caliente’s staff up. Lolu clubbed in Caliente on Saturday and misplaced his key, he returned the next day evening at 6pm and requested to go into Caliente to look for his key.
He was told they don’t allow visitors during non-club hours. He started screaming, imsisting and called his bouncers to beat the staff up. The electrician tried to explain to him why they could not allow them in and they forced and broke into Caliente and beat two of the staff to coma.
‘These guys were seriously beaten and the other guy’s tooth was removed. And all cos Lolu wanted to look like a big boy in front of some chick whose not even his babe Because she had lost her car key at Caliente earlier on saturday nite. Source added.
Our source concluded thus: Austin Osaka, the electrician who was battered to unconsiousness and Innocent Agbo – the day security whose tooth was knocked out. As of now, Rubby – Caliente has spent 65 thousand naira for staff treatment and and 250,000 naira to replace tooth of one of the staff.

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