Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alleged Blackberry shutdown story a ruse : NCC

This is a statement issued by the Nigerian Communications Commission (N.C.C) in response to the rumours making rounds about the shutting down of Blackberry service in Nigeria...

The attention of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has been drawn to an information making rounds that the NCC had at a meeting yesterday morning agreed with CEOs of telecommunications networks to shutdown Blackberry Services in order to deny Nigerians the use of that very important social network. The Management hereby states categorically that there was never such a meeting held, nor was there ever a resolution to shut down Blackberry services. The Public is please advised to disregard such information. The Commission enjoins the network operators to continue to provide all telecommunication services, including Blackberry Services without fail. 
Signed: Tony Ojobo Director, Public Affairs

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