Monday, January 30, 2012

Health Tips

  1. Abdominal crunches dont burn belly fat than other exercises. Aerobic exercise and diet control are best way to lose belly fat.
  2. For minor burns first aid, pour cold water for 5 minutes and loosely wrap in gauze. Do not apply ice, oil, butter or ointment.
  3. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon squeezed into it every morning, first thing. It cleanses and stimulates your body.
  4. Use fresh chopped garlic as often as you can because the packaged and preserved garlic paste loses a lot of its health benefits.
  5. Looking for a tasty and filling snack that has less than 100 calories? Have a boiled egg as it contains only about 70-80 calories.
  6. Eat potatoes and ample grain products. The starch through digestion is converted into sugar which supplies energy to keep you up for the whole day.
  7. Switching to vegetarian protein sources such as beans and pulses in place of meat can help limit your fat and cholesterol intake.
  8. Sprinkle olive oil on your greens. The greens makes the essential fatty acids in olive oil more available for your body to absorb.
  9. One must eat five or more fruits and vegetables daily as these are proven to be strong weapons to fight the sources of flu and colds.
  10. When you sit in your office chair, rest your feet flat on the floor and keep your thighs parallel to the ground to avoid low back strain.
  11. Shrimps are a great source of protein and seleruim though high in cholesterol. A 100 gram serving once a week is a healthy choice.
  12. Keep tissues handy for coughs and sneezes and dispose them in a no-touch container. This helps to preventing contagious diseases.

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