Sunday, January 13, 2013

Willie Pro a.k.a Mr. Zexzy Drops new single "EWO" (Which One)

Uwaifo Williams Aituae, stage name Willie Pro a.k.a Mr. zexzy, hails from the ancient city of Benin the Edo state capital, Nigera. He is a writer/singer/rapper/model, who has a knack for excellence at whatever he chooses to do. He is a vocalist and a rapper. He started his music career in 1998 at Paragon Comprehensive College where he sang tenor in the school choir. He attended the great university of Benin (Uniben), where he studied Botany.
Willie Pro's singing was almost brought to an abrupt end in the year 2000 when he was diagnosed with Rhinitis, a nasal condition in which one of the two nostrils is blocked which impaired his singing and this made him depressed most of the times. Haven undergone two unsuccessful nasal surgeries; he decided to hone his rapping skills while his singing took the back seat. In a weird twist of fate, in 2009, he discovered his singing voice was gradually coming back and so he harmonized both, thus giving his music a more versatile appeal as he joggles both genres with equal dexterity.
His first single was a campaign/rally song he did for Barack Obama in 2008 before the U.S elections. The video to the song was shot in 2009 by Storm records. He also modelled with Modella modelling agency from 2005-2007. It’s no gain saying why everyone who has met with this young man would agree with him Willy-Nilly when he says "I’m not rare, I’m the only one of my species".
His second single "EWO" is a true testament to the depth of his talent and the song is currently enjoying massive airplays and online downloads. A true Nigerian prodigy, moulded by the hustle. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, Willie Pro a.k.a Mr. Zexzy.

FreshLikeMorningDew: EWO (WHICH ONE)

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