Friday, August 30, 2013


Born April 5th, 1990 in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona, Laura Varker was born. The daughter of a Midwestern, hard­working couple in a tight­knit community allowed Laura to explore a variety of genres of music. She quickly related to Alanis Morissette, Beyonce, Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey. “Beyonce has always been my number one idol. She’s the Queen of Music to me and I not only admire her true talent as a singer, songwriter and dancer, but the immense sacrifices she’s made for everyone who looks up to her and enjoys her music.” Laura studied piano, received vocal training (private and classical) and impressively recorded her first single at the young age of 14.
“I myself, love really hard. That’s something that we, as artists, give up for a long time to give our fans what they want.”

From a young age, LV understood expression. She grew up very close to the kids of her neighborhood and as a result, has a very down­to­earth, grounded head on her shoulders. “I like to take a step back and look at what I can do differently to improve, as well as get outside opinions.” Clearly, LV understands that her music is not only an expression of herself, but a high­quality product that is A­List worthy. She upholds her end of the business by constantly looking for ways to progress and challenge herself as an artist in order to produce a better product for her fans.
“I think just like anyone in any business, I grow as an individual and my work progresses. Success is a ladder you climb… I’ve only moved upward.”
As far as becoming and evolving into an artist, it hasn’t been the easiest road for LV. LV’s parents preferred her to have a career outside of the entertainment industry. Although she was determined to please her parents, LV couldn’t let go of music. In short­­ singing became everything, servicing as the one true outlet of expression she understood best.
“Music was the only thing that kept me going when I felt like the entire world was against me.”

Now a singer, trend setter, role model and inspiration to aspiring young women all around the world, LV Sharp continues to pursue her dream. Day by day, in and out of the studio, LV admits that it’s her favorite place to be.
“I enjoy recording the most because you never know exactly how each song will come out. You have a plan, but the details are improvised. I always have an idea… but I can be impulsive and go the comlpete opposite direction in 2.5 seconds.”

Inspiring, impulsive, and a true supporter of dreams, LV Sharp is simply nothing short of remarkable. The stunning 22­year old, Northern Phoenix artist manages to keep herself grounded while focusing her attention on her music.
“I remind myself that the reward at the end of the road will be a great one.”
With this girl, we don’t doubt it.

Management: Eddie Lemons
T: (205) 675 6030



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