Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Really want to kick some ass? Pay attention ... Master Van Damme will teach you. 
55 year old Jean-Claude Van Damme says most of the badass fighters in the UFC do not really know how to execute a proper leg strike, so he gave TMZ Sports a FULL KICKING TUTORIAL to show how it is done.
"Right now, it's a mess," Van Damme said of the kicking in the UFC ... "they are missing, they are out of balance. Thank god they have good jiu-jitsu."
But JCVD didn't just talk the talk; he pulled over a buddy and gave a full demo on the street! 
"If I can give some of my knowledge to some of those amazing UFC fighters in terms of legs, I have a lot to teach."
Watch. Learn. Take notes. 

Culled from TMZ.com

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