Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Nigeria's premiere body for Artiste managers AMAN (Artiste Managers Association In Nigeria) which has been catering for the welfare of talent managers clocked 23 years today.

The body which was established in 1995 by a group of young visionary talents managers who deemed it necessary to have a singular umbrella which besides catering for the welfare of talent managers also ensures a professional and ethical practice among its members who are guided by a set of rules and regulation and to further add flare and respect to the profession.

Having lost their first ever founding president Chief Gilbert Oboh shortly after its establishment, the body continued to champion the affairs of its members over the years under the tutelage of renowned entertainment guru Mr Collins Enebeli (Mavin GrandPa) father to Africa number one producer Don Jazzy of the Mavin Dynasty.
In his congratulatory message to its members, Mr Collins wrote:

It is with gratitude to God for bringing us this far and for keeping all our members alive to witness this day that I am happy to wish our association a happy anniversary. AMAN is 23 today.  The association was registered with the CAC on the 28th of March 1995. Though we lost our founding President late Chief Gilbert Oboh (May his soul rest in perfect peace) due to death not long after the association was founded which resulted to the association not being active for some time, since September 30th 2017, we have revived the association and trying to rebuild its administrative structures which is ongoing. So far, we have not done badly and now have a clearer vision of where we want to go and how we want to get there. Understandably, Rome was not built in one day and I know most of our members are as enthusiastic as myself to get the association getting on well by hitting the ground running fast.  But we should not forget that whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.  In this regard, I will request all our members to be patient, loyal and committed to AMAN aims and objectives and by God's grace, our efforts will be crowned with success and all our members will prosper professionally IJN. Let's all join hands to build AMAN and contribute to its success in whatever way we consider appropriate to carry out our various planned projects which are all still on the drawing board.  May God bless all of us abundantly and happy anniversary to our dear association.  Long live AMAN.”

To learn more about the body and its activities, visit its website via 

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