Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SPECIAL FEATURE: Branding by Myticism

Lady Gaga, unknown to a lot of people in private is an extremely shy person who from nowhere came to lime light and became a successful celebrity.

It was not Illuminati and Free Mason (originally founded by American and British elites like Winston Churchill and not for uneducated entertainers that claims it today).

Lady Gaga actually hired a team of professionals who rebranded her with a concept we have been understudying at Hexavia while writing the book, The 21 Hexavian Laws of Business, it is the concept of Branding by Mysticism.

Let us explain the concept further;

The young boy by the name of Michael Jackson (actually a Jehovah Witness) appears in a red leather jacket with a great voice and then begins to do the moonwalk with dead bodies in the middle of the night and then turns into an animal.

This video was the breakthrough, Thriller by Michael Jackson! The highest selling album ever in history

Branding by Mysticism, in the psychology of branding and selling, the human mind by default craves to be enchanted, with love and with fear.

This helps relationship, it helps religions, it helps brands too. In branding it’s called Branding by Mysticism. We attract mysticism, even if it’s a fake one!

Femi Otedola most times wears white, Lyle Imoke most times wears black, is it branding or mystery?

It creates attention. Do you remember the Mysticism of the 3 Orange men?

And yes, The 3 orange men by Mirinda! Till today, it still remains the most successful brand campaigns ever carried out in Nigeria,

We are Hexavia

And how may we be of help to you and your organization?
Business Plan. Branding. Web. Strategy. Websites. Trainings.

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