Monday, September 3, 2018


I had just come out of a relationship that almost crushed my soul in 2012, November to be precise. I had so much to say and I wanted to share that story with the world. Twitter was my most active social media platform then but I wanted something better. It was a time when blogs majorly drove the trends on Twitter, from lists and storytelling and much more. So I wanted to share mine on a blog too.

I reached out to my friends at the time but they insisted I shared my story on my own blog. I had no idea what it takes to run a blog, but I started a blog, more out of persuasion than conviction.

I never knew this thing that meant nothing will make me the woman that I am today. Blogging is more than just creating content or writing stories, it has been the one thing that has brought other things and opened other doors for me.

From writing gigs, to becoming a radio/TV presenter, to expressing my opinions on the issues that matter to me. For me, blogging has become more than just a buzz word, it has brought the people and things I care about closer to my world, and I want you to share that world you. Above all, it has given me a voice in my generation.

In 2014, this blog of mine gave me the push to lead an online campaign against rape with other bloggers at the time. If there is one thing I’m sure of, it has to be the strength and influence a blogger wields as we try to save our nation from bad governance and policies to patriarchal, societal and mental bondage.

Over the past years blogging has grown into one of the most critical tools in the new media toolkit that can be used to share insights, lessons, questions, and reflections about a wide range of personal, political and policy issues.

These days’ blogs have proven to be a very effective means of putting ideas out into the world, of engaging others in a debate around and encouraging people to take concrete action or learn more.

Let your words do more than sitting on a page on the web, make a meaningful turn.

Join me as I host the first edition of Digital Media Talk on @MeetsMedia this September.

Theme - “Blogging as a Tool for Social Change”

To attend, visit to register

For sponsorship and partnership, please reply this message, call 08027978199 or send an email to

Thank you

Elsie Godwin

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