Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chris Brown Addresses Relationship Problems on "I Can't Win"

If life is imitating art, then Chris Brown is going through more relationship woes. Breezy dropped his latest, "I Can't Win," Monday (April 29) night, and it sounds like an open letter to Rihanna.

Amid rumors of another split, and his father slamming the relationship, the timing of "I Can't Win" couldn't be more suspicious — as are the lyrics, which in part address a woman who's picked up a drinking habit. "Why don't you wanna ride for me? Girl, we used to make love/When you called, I would follow/Now the only thing you love is a bottle/The only thing you got left is a shadow."

By the time he gets to the hook, Brown has stripped away the mystery and accepts that the relationship is coming to an end. "She ain't bluffing,' she gon' do it/I think its time for me to face the music."

Although it sounds good enough to be a single, the mid-tempo track won't appear on the 23-year-old's forthcoming release. "Some s--- I felt like writing that's not on the album," he tweeted yesterday.

Brown and Rihanna seem to go their separate ways every week, and the latest alleged breakup has spilled over into the Twitterverse. The Virginia native stopped following his on-again, off-again love on Twitter, and started following ex-girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, which is probably the last thing Rihanna needs right now. After a few cancelled shows due to illness, the "Stay" singer is back on her Diamonds world tour, and opened up about not being able to "understand" love, during a stop in Anaheim, CA, earlier in the month. She hasn't responded to "I Can't Win," but chances are, he got her attention.

Aside from new music, Brown also announced the release date for  X, which is due out July 16.

culled from

1 comment:

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